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2024 Events


Ideasparq Robotics in collaboration with Ingress Talent Synergy  succeeded MAB Engineering in Celebrating First Anniversary with Cutting-Edge Robotics Showcase. In a testament to innovation and collaboration within the aviation industry, Ideasparq Robotics and Ingress Talent Synergy have been invited by MAB Engineering to commemorate the first anniversary of MAB Engineering Services.

During the time of the event, our role as a robotics solution company, is to to enhance internal logistics and optimize the management of spare parts in MAB Engineering Warehouse.

The collaboration between Ideasparq Robotics, Ingress Talent Synergy, and MAB Engineering Services represents a synergy of technological innovation and industry expertise. As they come together to celebrate this significant milestone, the event serves as a testament to their collective commitment to advancing aviation logistics through cutting-edge robotics solutions. This showcase not only highlights achievements but also reinforces a shared vision for a future where technology drives efficiency and excellence in aviation maintenance.



25 APRIL 2024

Ideasparq Robotics Showcases Innovation at Citra MTDC Opening Ceremony

In a celebration of Malaysian innovation and technological prowess, Ideasparq Robotics was honored to be invited by the Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC) to participate in the opening ceremony of Citra MTDC. The event, held at Technology Park in UPM-MTDC Serdang, Selangor, marked a significant milestone in promoting local products certified under the Malaysian Standards for Industry (MySTI).

The ceremony was graced by the presence of YB Dato’ Haji Mohammad Yusof bin Apdal, Vice Minister of Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI), who expressed his pride in the advancements showcased by local companies like Ideasparq Robotics. His presence underscored the government’s commitment to fostering a vibrant ecosystem for science, technology, and innovation in Malaysia.

During the event, YB Dato’ Haji Mohammad Yusof bin Apdal inaugurated the Citra MTDC program, emphasizing its role in promoting and supporting Malaysian-made products that meet international standards. This initiative not only boosts local industries but also positions Malaysia as a hub for innovation and technological advancement in the region.

As Ideasparq Robotics looks ahead, the company remains committed to pioneering new technologies, contributing to economic growth, and positioning Malaysia at the forefront of the global innovation landscape.


19 March 2024

Pelancaran Program ‘TECH4MOSQUE EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM’ untuk Mengimarah Institusi Masjid Dengan Penggunaan Teknologi Robotiks Buatan Tempatan dan pengenalan kepada Robot Pembersih Lantai Autonomi (Autonomous Floor Scrubber) di Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin dan juga Masjid Putra.

Majlis dianjurkan oleh Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC) dan turut dihadiri oleh pihak JAKIM, Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, Masjid Putra, para rakan media dari Astro Awani, BERNAMA & RTM. Ideasparq Robotics tampil menyediakan solusi robotiks bagi menjayakan program ini.

Tujuan produk ini dipertontonkan adalah untuk memperkenalkan bahawasanya teknologi robotiks juga mampu dan sesuai untuk digunakan di masjid selain dijadikan rujukan dan tatapan serta pengenalan kepada Organisasi-organisasi dan orang awam

Selain itu, Ideasparq Robotics juga ingin memperkenalkan Program Wakaf Teknologi untuk Institusi Masjid. Buat masa ini, Ideasparq Robotics sedang dalam proses akhir bersama pihak PPZ-MAIWP bagi meletakkan produk ini dibawah portal PPZ-MAIWP. Ideasparq Robotics juga telah mengadakan perbincangan dengan pihak Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin dan Masjid Putra seandaikan ada pihak yang berminat untuk mewakafkan teknologi ini melalui pihak Masjid sendiri.

iProgam Wakaf ini tidak akan terhad kepada dua masjid di Putrajaya sahaja tetapi untuk juga semua masjid-masjid di seluruh Malaysia di mana perbicangan akan dibuat bersama dengan pejabat wakaf negeri untuk ditentukan masjid yang bersesuaian.

Pengenalan teknologi robotik kepada masjid secara amnya akan turut memberi impak kepada umat Islam bahawa Islam menitikberat ilmu teknologi dan memandangkan Ideasparq Robotics meletakkan robot pembersihan, ia menunjukkan betapa pentingnya kebersihan yang dianjur oleh Islam

Visit from Governement Agencies Delegates to Ideasparq Robotics. 

4 March 2024

Ideasparq Robotics recently welcomed a delegation comprising representatives from key Malaysian governmental bodies including MOSTI (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation), MRANTI (Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology & Innovation), Pertama Padi, MAB Engineering Services, KPDN (Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs), and Technology Depository Agency Berhad.


The visit marked a significant step towards introducing cutting-edge Ideasparq robotics' products and solutions to government agencies as potential users. The primary aim of the visit was to showcase Ideasparq Robotics' latest innovations in robotics technology. With a focus on enhancing operational efficiency, reducing costs, and improving safety standards, Ideasparq Robotics aims to revolutionize various sectors through automation and smart robotics solutions.

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